[past tense]
Sunday: drive to indy, play hockey, drive back. don't go to bed until almost midnight.
Monday: work all day, perform in a concert in the evening, don't get to bed until late.
Tueday: work all day, drive to indy, watch a basketball game, drive back. don't go to bed until almost midnight.
Wednesday: work all day, do two tkd/hkd workouts after work to make up for the one you missed on tuesday.
Thursday: drive to tell city and back. wonder who is going to fall asleep first, you or the driver. realize you don't have the energy to go to tkd even though you should.
Friday: work all day, collapse in exhaustion on the couch after your drum lesson. wait, you have to go running first, so do that, then collapse.
Saturday: perfom in a concert, cap off the night w/a five-hour dinner and coffee session w/a few friends. realize you're not going to get to bed early as planned.
Sunday: get up, run errands you've put off all week. perform in a concert in 80 degree weather. try to listen to your partner when she tells you that you haven't eaten anything yet today and you really should.
[future tense]
Sunday: come home dripping w/sweat, try to catch up on few things. drive to indy, play hockey, drive back. moan about being tired and dehydrated.
Monday: work all day, decide whether to be responsible and go to band rehearsal. if irresponsible, spend the evening on campus, listening to achy obejas.
Tuesday: work all day, go to one last tkd/hkd workout.
Wednesday: work all day, try not to think about double belt test this evening. don't get psyched out.
Thursday: work all day, think about crying.
Friday: work all day, go to habitat crew leader training after drum lesson. finish at 8 o'clock, drive to columbus, try to find a motel room.
Saturday: get to the road race by 7:15 a.m. run 5k. don't get psyched out. clean up, drive to indy, watch a basketball game, drive home.
Sunday: drive to Indy, play hockey, drive back. wonder how your life got so complicated. cry.