Thursday, August 01, 2002

My best advice: If you're worried about getting older, don't schedule a lunch date with *the* ex-girlfriend on your 35th birthday.
8:38 PM

Okay, finally, after a ten year pout, I am going to read Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson. I actually wanted to read it when it came out a decade ago, but just before I bought it/checked it out of the library, I read an interview with the author, and it put me off her work for...well, at least ten years, huh? She was so arrogant and condescending in the interview, I never wanted to read anything by her again. It was probably all due to the way the article was edited, or maybe she really is arrogant (I suspect she has good reason). Anyway, I started Written on the Body while I was up in the stacks this afternoon, and I'm going to read it. I'm not, however, going to explore her website until I'm done, just to make sure she doesn't annoy me again and make me miss a good work of prose.

Addendum: I just have to add this review for the book from Cracked me up.

Boring!, July 1, 2002
Reviewer: A reader from san diego, ca United States
I bought this book because of a reccomendation in Oprah's mag. It repeats similar events over and over.

4:02 PM

I didn't learn anything much by reading this article, but man, I wish I had thought of writing a dissertation on sailing.
1:14 PM

The things I didn't learn in school...Catherine picked up a book about the Confederates of Brazil yesterday. I am daily amazed at all the stuff I don't know.

Os Confederados

12:11 PM

It's about time. Lisa Leslie isn't my favorite player (her glamour always gets in the way), but I'm glad *someone* finally threw down the dunk. I don't think it was as nice as Michelle Snow's dunk last year, but I'll take what I can get.
11:53 AM

Our parking permit expired yesterday, and I didn't want to go through the hassle of getting another one for 9 days of work. So, we parked the car at Bryan Park and walked to work from there this morning. It's a nice walk, through the Vinegar Hill neighborhood where all the faculty live in houses we'll never be able to afford. Not those big, ugly half-million dollar brown boxes in Hyde Park that the administrators live in, but the nice houses with some sense of architectural identity in an old neighborhood. Anyway, a pleasant walk, a bit of passive exercise.

Our office is a bit confused today since Fran is out taking care of her son. I think everyone is a bit stressed out about it, I know neither Diane nor I slept well last night. I had a bad dream about Fran and Ryan, usually an indication that I'm a bit tweeky. Diane only got two hours of sleep, seeing Fran all upset freaked her out. And really, when Fran's not here, the office falls apart.

A few minutes later: Both Diane and I teared up just now talking to Carolyn about yesterday's events. Then the conversation turned to the news that the FBI is searching Salt Creek again, and we all three got upset.

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