Wednesday, August 07, 2002

Double mmm...add an iced mocha on top of lunch. Beth stopped by but didn't have time to stay, so I walked across campus with her. She was meeting someone at Starbucks, so I helped myself to a coffee while I was there. The weather is so beautiful, it's a shame to be inside. Walking across campus reminded me of why I chose IU over Northwestern and Brown to begin with. It's such a pretty space, very easy to occupy.
3:22 PM

Mmmm...Catherine, Diane and I had a great lunch at a Japanese restaurant just off campus (Domo). My stomach is feeling very happy because it is full of teriyaki salmon and sticky rice.
1:35 PM

Wow. I should do this more often. I couldn't figure out when I was going to find time to work out today, so I got up early (for me) and went for a run at 5:45 a.m. Fantastico. No humidity, no other people, just birds and a barely risen sun. It made me feel like a kid again. And the walk to campus from Bryan Park was quite peaceful, I arrived at work all relaxed. Ah....endorphins.

Resolved (while running):

  • I will stop tweaking about visiting my parents. There are a whole lot of things to look forward to in the next two weeks, and I'm going to focus on those instead.
  • I will stop worrying about teaching. The worst that can happen is I have to drop the classes I'm taking on the side, and that's not a catastrophe. I may suck at teaching construction materials, but the class can't possibly be worse than it was when I took it, so why worry?
  • I will not get completely despondent over gaining weight. In fact, I'm done stepping on the scale. Finito.

That should keep me going for awhile. If I keep up this twitchy behavior, I'm going to have to buy all my friends back pretty soon. By the time the semester finishes, I'll have to get them all big, expensive presents and make really elaborate-yet-elegant cards in which I've written extensive and heartfelt apologies for being a freak (again).

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